
How to help? We deeply believe that there is no single answer to this question. Since the task before us is huge, we will obviously need all kinds of efforts: small scale or large scale, individual or collective, concerning all topics. If you believe in carbon reporting, here are a few things we think can help.

Around our project

We welcome all good wills, and in particular the following profiles (and others of course). Please get in touch via GitHub, Twitter or by email (see bottom of page).

  • As a social networks fan. Let us know which companies or public organizations are communicating about their commitments to the environment or the climate. We will be happy to compare these statements with their published (or unpublished) track records and respond to them. We believe both in name and shame and in small awards for virtuous organisations.
  • As a lawyer or legal expert, help us in our efforts. We are looking for legal means of urging public or private organisations to comply with their obligations, and to force the state services responsible for monitoring the application of the law and inflicting sanctions to do so in practice.
  • As a developer or a data-scientist, help us with this website. We have a large backlog of both data pre-processing tasks to build a reliable worldwide database of carbon reports and software engineering tasks to build a better website. Please get in touch so we can find a task that suits you well.
  • As an engineer or a scientist, read and audit some detailed reports. Choose a company or an organization that suits you and dig into their carbon reports. Challenge their hypotheses, their methods. Ask them questions about how they took into account sources of emissions you can think of but don't find in their report. Inform-us of your findings, as we might wish to develop a carbon reporting review section.

In your everyday life

You can also take action on a daily basis, by adapting your habits or by getting those around you to think about it.

  • As a consumer, spend your money wisely. Look up your favorite companies and brands in our database to find out whether they are serious about carbon reporting and emission reductions or not. Challenge them on social networks. Debunk their green-washing statements. On the contrary, praise brands achieving outstanding results in this direction.
  • As a citizen, ask your representatives to vote for stronger regulations. Recall them what is at stake. To be efficient, a regulation should require yearly reporting, concern a well defined list of entities, define the scopes to be taken into account, and all the reporting data (including reduction targets) should be made publicly available. An enforcement mechanism should also be in place. Don't settle for less and watch out for setbacks.
  • As an employee, ask your employer to report its emissions and commit to reductions. If you work for a medium-sized company or public organization, chances are that they are not yet performing a yearly emission report. If carbon reporting is not mandatory in your country or for your organization, try to insist on the benefits of a voluntary reporting. If your employer is already performing assessments on a regular basis (which is often the case for large companies), try to convince them to pledge strong reduction statements.
  • As an organization leader, take strong actions. Perform frequent and full-scope reporting. Commit to absolute value engagements: even if the per product or per money emissions of your company decay, the atmosphere doesn't care if in the meantime your business doubled. Aim for significant reductions (a decay rate of 5% per year is needed if everybody starts right now).