Identity card
- SIREN Identifier: 157000340
- Headquarters location: Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes / Rhône / Sathonay-Camp (69292)
- Number of employees: More than 0
- Regulation: Probably concerned by the mandatory carbon reporting regulation every 3 years as a state service (legal unit type, level 2, equal to 71).
Carbon emissions reports
Year | Scope 1 | Scope 2 | Scope 3 | Commitments | Source |
2018 | 12,609 tCO2e | 3,241 tCO2e | 65,799 tCO2e | - 1 tCO2e | View report |
2018 | 5,905 tCO2e | 1,042 tCO2e | 6,137 tCO2e | - 1 tCO2e | View report |
This organization has multiple reports for the same year. Sometimes, this is due to reporting separately data for multiple child organizations. Be careful when interpreting reports.
This organization might be part of a larger organization or might own smaller organizations, which might have their own reports. Be careful when interpreting reports.
Legal type:
- 7 - Personne morale et organisme soumis au droit administratif
- 71 - Administration de l'état
- 7150 - Service du ministère de la Défense
Main activity (NAF code):
- O - Administration publique
- 84 - Administration publique et défense ; sécurité sociale obligatoire
- 84.2 - Services de prérogative publique
- 84.22 - Défense
- 84.22Z - Défense